Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More stuff!

For there’re soooo many things to be told (all good news), here you have some of them :)
Let’s start! If you’ve got a twitter account, use the hashtag #m90  (’90’ movement)
Do you fancy football? Well, yesterday we talked to Manolete (@AS_Manolete), a contributor in the Spanish media Periódico AS (Newspaper), El Larguero, and Punto Pelota (radio programs), and he not only offered himself to help, but also promised to provide us with a signed copy of his book (and maybe something else) for us to sell it at auction and collect money this way! We’re ready to start auctioning stuff!
Today, Paola Bernal, our NGOs’ star, has been invited to Universo Vivo’s Crowdfunding event! But... what is Crowdfunding? The term ‘Crowdfunding’ means that the funds needed to set up a project are raised by a crowd of people, such as for instance our movement. That’s why she’s been invited! 

We’d also like to mention that El Triángulo de Rembrandt, a photography business, has uploaded on its FB site all the pictures made during the gala “helping is fun”. Click on this link to see them!
An outside broadcasting unit of Radio Unión Madrid also helped us a lot to spread our image and our voice all over the world. The team interviewed tons of people, and spent the whole night giving coverage of the Gala. We’ve already received all the material they broadcasted, and we will be sharing it with all of you through this website quite soon!
And we want to finish for today by sharing a video with all of you. It was specially created for “90 millions in 90 days” by Guillermo Campra, Guillermo and Carla’s dad, a family really committed to #m90. The video contains certain images which some viewers my find hard to see, but its only aim is to show the differences between our environment and that of people arriving to refugees’ camps. Click here to watch it.
Thanks so much for being there.

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